Hello friends... I had applied for ISRO exam conducted on April'09 at Chennai. I belong to Electronics cadre and the test duration is 90 minutes (i.e) one and a half hours...
I just made a generalised preparation about all the topics suggested for the exam. Also my preparation was entirely theoritical but alas to my surprise problems were dominating in the paper. Out of 80 questions 45 were problems.
The theoritical questions were on ADC/DAC, memory devices(PLD,FPGA etc), Microcontrollers and Microprocessors(mainly their features based qns), logic families(TTL,ECL,CMOS etc), electronic devices(BJT, MOSFET, JFET, etc), PSKs tink it is polar shift keying, flipflop(must know A-Z abt tis topic), units of quantities lik permeability and so, slightly abt protocols(data commn), opamps and applications(inverted, noninverted, differentiator, integrator refer Roy chowdry), two port parameeters, antenna, measuring devices (lik ammeter, voltmeter, CT, PT), amplifiers and most importantly VSWR( voltage wave standing ratio) along wit probs. My paper contained 4 question on tis specific topic alone(12 marks).
Regarding problems finding value of resistance and equivalent resistance in an electrical N/W, expr for voltage in transient N/W, determing what kind of N/W is given, Q factor probs, probs on modulation(AM,FM,PM),probs on ADC/DAC, probs on opamps various config(to find o/p voltage), noise factor of antenna prob,Y parameter based probs, resonant ckt probs, probs on Zener diode(or any other diodes and transistors), antenna probs(bandwidth of reflector), basic intergration probs, probabability(minor, I had jus one qn), probs on flipflop n counters, microprocessr n controller probs(lik detr no of chips, loop execution usin a program, Byte storage n RAM),, fourier transform(inverse too) convolution prob, skin depth prob, jus one prob on matrix evaluvation(easy) and limit substitution prob complex conjugate and roots of eqn prob, probs on RADAR. Now here majority of probs were from control system(finding transfer fn, various frequency plots based prob, poles n zeros, resonant freq of a char eqn.) and lot of probs in inductance(value of inductance probs, enengy stored in L).
I was not shortlisted from the written test. Preparation has to b both theoritical n problematic. Electrical students are crippled due to qns from antenna while for electronic students its electrical networks since they would not hav dealt it in all sem. Time is a constraint in tis exam. Mostly the given duration will not b sufficient for completing the entire paper so try first to answer direct qns both theory n prob and then go for time consuming ones. This instruction will indeed b given in the qn paper itself. Remember 3 marks for one correct answer and a negative marking (1 mark) for each incorrect answer.